Régi új vízumok

12 ideiglenes munka-vízumot megszüntettek és helyettük 3 újat vezettek be, amelyek valójában a korábbi 12-t tartalmazzák, csak alosztály-név helyett valami más megnevezést kaptak: stream. Ennek a magyarosítására pályázatot írok ki, aki a legjobb javaslatot teszi, az kap egy kisebb nobel-díjat.

Az új szabályok nov. 24-től lépnek érvénybe. A bevezetőből:

repeal 12 current temporary work visa subclasses and close related sponsorship classes and nomination requirements;

introduce three new temporary work visa subclasses with new sponsorship classes and nomination requirements, as follows:

–          Subclass 401 (Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity)), which requires nomination by a long stay activity sponsor and incorporates an Exchange stream (for applicants participating in an exchange of staff), a Sport stream, and a Religious Worker stream;

–          Subclass 402 (Training and Research), which incorporates a Research stream; an Occupational trainee stream which requires nomination by a Training and Research sponsor; and a Professional Development stream which requires nomination by a Professional Development sponsor; and

–          Subclass 403 (Temporary Work (International Relations)) which does not require sponsorship and incorporates streams for applicants covered by an international government agreement or who direct the operations in Australia of certain language institutes; applicants who are to be employed as representatives of certain foreign government agencies or as foreign language teachers in Australian schools; applicants who undertake domestic duties in the households of holders of diplomatic visas; and applicants accorded privileges and immunities.

Ezek a változások a Magyarországról jelentkezőket csak egészen kis mértékben érintik. Talán csak néhány sportolót.

