Gyakori, hogy munkáltatói igazolást kérnek majd. Itt van egy minta különféle formátumokban.
Töltsd ki számítógéppel. Ne írj rá magyar női kézírással. Nem fogják megérteni! Különösen a számokat nem értik.
Ha a cégnek van saját fejléces papírja, akkor a táblázatot arra rakd rá és úgy nyomtasd ki. Ha nincs neki, akkor ezt a fiktív fejlécet írd át a vállalat valódi adataival. Megteszi. (Ausztráliában az olajos kézzel vezetett, egyszemélyes autószerelő műhelyeknek is van saját fejléces papírjuk. Ezért van az, hogy a hivatal ilyet vár el.)
Lehet, hogy a vízumkérelem után egy válasz-emilt kapsz, amiben további kérdések lesznek. Például ezek:
I require additional information about your ability to financially support your stay and your ties to your home country. Please provide the following additional information or documents:
- a bank statement showing the name of the account holder, all transactions for the past three (3) months and the final balance of the account or other evidence of your ability to financially
- support your stay in Australia (for example: taxation records, official employment payslips and/or evidence of other income);
- a letter from your employer stating the length of your employment, your salary level and approved leave period to travel to Australia; or
- a certificate from your educational institution stating what course you are studying, the period of study, and whether you are a full-time or part-time student; or
- evidence of your self-employed status, including a certificate of business registration and tax records for the past two (2) financial years.
If the bank statements provided are not in your name, a signed letter of support from the person named on the bank statements is required. The letter should state the person’s relationship to you, the type of support they are willing to provide to you, the period of your proposed stay in Australia the support will cover and whether you have access to the funds held in the account.
- Please provide details of your reason for visiting Australia.
- Please provide a full travel itinerary covering your travel arrangements and dates of travel to and from Australia.
- Please provide a description of the activities you plan to undertake over the period of your intended stay in Australia.
- Please provide statement about your intentions after departure from Australia (for example, continue to travel or return to usual country of residence).
- A declaration explaining your purpose for travelling to Australia
- Your proposed itinerary and dates of travel to and from Australia , a description of the activities you plan to undertake over the period of your planned stay in Australia .
- A statement about your intentions after departure from Australia (for example, continue to travel or return to usual country of residence)
- A letter from your employer stating your position, your activities in the business, the length of your employment, your salary level, approved leave period to travel to Australia, whether or not you will be paid by the company while you are on leave, and the date that you are expected to return to work with the company
- The name, contact telephone number and position of your employer contact in the company
- Your bank statements showing the name of the account holder, all transactions for the past three (3) months and the final balance of the accounts (name and recent date must be included on the statements).
- A contact telephone number in your country of residence that the department can contact you on (if not already provided in application).
Please provide the following if you intend to be supported in Australia by someone other than yourself:
- A declaration stating whether this support will be for airline tickets, accommodation, spending money, food, activities and/or travel costs within Australia.
- Bank statements showing the name of the account holder, all transactions for the past three (3) months and the final balance of the accounts (name and recent date must be included on the statements).
- A signed letter of support from the person named on the bank statements. The letter should state the person’s relationship to you, the type of support they are willing to provide to you, the period of your proposed stay in Australia the support will cover.
- The letter should also state whether you have access to the funds held in the account.
- The letter should also answer the question ‘Have you provided support/sponsorship for any other visa applications in the past 2 years? If YES please provide details.’
- A contact telephone number in Australia for your Australian contact (if not already provided in application).
- Please provide your travel arrangements and dates of travel to and from Australia.
- Please provide statement about your intentions after departure from Australia (for example, continue to travel or return to usual country of residence).