Az internetes vízumkérő űrlap kérdései
Ez az ördögi űrlap interaktív. Változnak a kérdései, attól függően, hogy milyen válaszokat adtál az addig feltett kérdésekre. Az alábbi kérdéssort egy fiatal jelentkező kapta a napokban (2013 július).
Personal details
- Family name
- Given names
- Sex
- Date of birth
- Country of birth
- Country of residence
Passport details
Provide details of the passport that you will use to enter Australia. Enter these details exactly as they appear in your passport.
- Passport number
- Country of passport
- Passport nationality
- Passport date of issue
- Passport date of expiry
- Passport place of issue / issuing authority
It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least 6 months.
If you have an Australian visa grant number, please enter the visa grant number
- Grant number
If you have a current Australian visa label in your current or previous passport, please enter the visa number
- Visa number
If you hold citizenship of any countries other than the country listed in your passport, provide details
Are you currently, or have you ever been, known by any other names?These may include:
- names before marriage;
- aliases or any alternative spelling in any of your names;
- patronymic name (if a Russian citizen);
- full spelling of initials of names included in your passport.
Your purpose of stay in Australia
Communicating with you
The Department will only contact you via email. Please enter the email address the Department can use to contact you.
- E-mail address
Critical data confirmation
All the information provided in this application is important to the decision to grant an eVisitor.
If the information included on this page is incorrect, it may lead to denial of permission to board an aircraft to Australia, even if you have been granted an eVisitor.
Please confirm that the following information is correct and that it is in the correct fields.
If you are unsure of what is required for each field, press the ‘Previous’ button at the bottom of this page.This will return you to the previous screen where you can select the help icon next to the fields for which you require help.
Note that the Department will be unable to contact you if an incorrect email address has been entered.
Details of other names you have been known by
Give details of any other names that you currently, or have ever been known by.
These may include:
- names before marriage;
- aliases or any alternative spelling in any of your names;
- patronymic name (if a Russian citizen);
- full spelling of initials of names included in your passport.
Residential address
Provide details of your current residential address.
Note: A post office box address is not acceptable as a residential address. Failure to give a residential address will result in your application being invalid.
- Address
- Suburb/Town
- Province
- Postcode
- Country
Additional personal details
- Relationship status
- Do you have family unit members who live outside of Australia who will not be travelling with you to Australia?
- If yes, enter details of their name, age and relationship to you.
Employment status
- What is your employment status?
- Your employment details
- Give details of your employer
- Name
- Address
- Suburb/Town
- State or Province
- Postcode
- Country
- Telephone number +36
- Please describe the nature or type of business
- Job title / Position
- Occupation
- How long have you been employed by this employer / business?
Evidence of funds
All visitors to Australia must be able to demonstrate that they have adequate funds to cover all costs associated with their visit.
- Are you maintaining yourself while you are in Australia using your own funds? (Note: you may be requested to provide evidence of your funds.)
If NO, please give details of the person who will be providing support while you are in Australia.
(Note: the person you have listed may be requested to provide evidence of their ability to provide this support.)
- Full name
- Telephone number
- How will this person be supporting you?
- Your visit to Australia
- Your purpose of stay in Australia
- Give details