I am writing to provide you with information regarding an analysis of 30 May IELTS test results in Australia. As you would be aware this is standard practice globally before any test results are released. At this point, Cambridge ESOL has concluded the preliminary analysis of the 30 May results and have advised they need to do some further investigations on the results from some of the Australian centres. These results were due to have been released today. Please note that this does not apply to any centres outside Australia and not all centres within Australia.
I have provided a list for your reference of centres whose results have not be released.
AU055 – Cairns
AU056 – RMIT
AU088 – UNSW
AU100 – Adelaide
AU105 – UQ
AU108 – Macquarie
AU110 – IDP Australia
AU115 – Uni Canberra
AU130 – Hawthorn
AU146 – Deakin
AU165 – NMIT
AU166 – Monash
AU205 – ACL Sydney
All other Australian centres may release their results as normal today.
Unfortunately, due to timing, the University of NSW test centre released approximately 20 results before this was realised. Also, NMIT (Melbourne) released results.
These Centres have been advised to change any released results to zero, make every effort to contact candidates to have the result returned and report back to us. Therfore, if any TRFs were submitted to DIAC it would be picked up by DIAC at the time of verification.
IELTS regrets the delay and impact to candidates. However, we stand by the integrity and validity of IELTS and all test results. It is imperative that we are satisfied that test results released are valid and reliable.