A Nyugat-Ausztráliai Korrupció-ellenes Bizottság ügyvédje szerint a Curtin Műegyetemen meghamisították az IELTS angol-nyelvvizsga eredményeket, méghozzá több tucat esetben. A bizonyítékok azt mutatják, hogy szép pénzért. Egy-egy vizsgázó 1500 – 10 000 dollárt is fizetett. A pénz közvetítők kezén ment át, bizonyos esetekben többén is.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/na … 6025472722
Counsel assisting the CCC, Peter Quinlan, said the falsification of IELTS test results had been systemic and involved potentially dozens of individual test-takers.Mr Quinlan said there was a good deal of evidence to suggest that the falsification of test results was done in exchange for large sums of money with some applicants paying between $1500 and $10,000 for test report forms.
“The exchange of money appears to have taken place between a number of what may be described as intermediaries, in some cases involving money passing through a number of hands,” he told the hearing.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/na … 6025472722