10 000 csaló

A bevándorlási miniszter azt állítja, hogy a 457-es vízummal visszaélők száma tízezrekben mérhető.

there are currently 105,600 foreign workers on 457 visas in the community – an increase of 19.2 per cent on the figures in March last year.

the occupations which had experienced the biggest rate of growth included the lowest paid workers including accommodation and food services and retail.

new figures showing the number of 457-visa holders on low incomes had doubled in the past year – the number of people holding “Accommodation and Food services” visas grew by 99 per cent and the number holding “Retail” visas grew by 75 per cent.

“I’ve always said there’s a combination of reforms; we’d look at administrative, regulatory and legislative,” he said.

“I am yet to determine what parts of the reforms would be introduced in legislation but I can assure you we will be looking to legislate.”




