
VETASSESS is changing the assessment requirements for its “generalist occupations.”

From 1 January 2010, in order to receive a positive Skills Assessment, applicants will need:

  • to hold a qualification which is assessed at the required educational level in a highly relevant field of study to the nominated occupation; and
  • at least one year of relevant employment for all occupations. For some occupations, either one or two additional years of employment is required if the qualification/s has a shortfall in content relevance. Employment must have been completed in the last five years.

Az általános jellegű foglalkozásokat elismerő Vetassess jan. 1-től szigorít az eljáráson. Ezek után csak a szakmához szorosan kapcsolódó tanulmányokat fogad el és hozzá legalább egy év szakmai gyakorlatot követel.
