Ügynök vagy ügyvéd?

Aussie Malcolm, egykori új-zélandi bevándorlási miniszter véleménye a kérdésről.

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/immigration/n … 953&pnum=0

Law degree doesn’t equate to expertise for migrants.

Lawyers, despite the self-regulation of the legal profession, have been major offenders against migrants when it comes to standards of fairness.

Under the Immigration Licensing regime about to come into effect in May, licensed immigration advisers will have demonstrated good character and have a proven track record. They will also have shown competence in the administration of immigration cases.

One of the weaknesses of the new regime is that any lawyer can practice immigration work, whether skilled or experienced or not. Historical evidence shows that many lawyers with no experience work in this area and will no doubt continue to do so.
